I stumbled upon something fun on instagram last week, a tiny pincushion sewing challenge #teenytinypinnieparade, over at tinkerellen. After spending a good hour or so down that rabbit hole of tiny quilted pincushions, leading me to all sorts of wonderful quilting and sewing sites, I ordered some crushed walnut shells from amazon and started plotting. First I tried something a little too ambitious, trying to incorporate this neat trick with a magnetized needleminder button as a tiny teddy bear’s … More
Category: Fabric
dollmaking supplies and where to find them
For those new to dollmaking where to get the supplies can be daunting. But really you should be able to find everything you need at your local fabric/craft store if you want to get started straight away or online if you’re a planner.
UPDATE: I now have an Amazon shop page where I’ve collecting some of my favorite dollmaking supplies.
Starting with the bodies, the key to body fabric is a tight weave (so no stuffing oozes out) … More
vintage fabric doll top

I love this tiny delicate floral print from a vintage linen. It was stained but I was able to cut the pattern pieces out around it and salvage enough for the top.… More
Birch Fabric’s organic fleece
This stuff is just lovely! I bought it because I was curious and so glad I did because I love it. So soft and not too stretchy, beautiful color. I’m going to use it in Phoebe’s Teagan White quilt but I want more. This stuff would make the most wonderful stuffed toys. I need all these colors.
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ed emberley
The very last thing I should be spending my money on is more fabric but I couldn't help myself, Ed Emberley! (bought from feltcafe) I've already thought of an idea for a project though so that makes me feel better. A new pillowcase for Oscar's bed. I've got another project in mind for his bed. And Phoebe's too. I'm hoping there will be some quilting in my near future.
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new to me
Tim and I always drive by estate sales and sigh a wistful sigh and then just keep driving because we have the kids in tow. That kind of sale is way too cut throat to bring a 2 and 5 year old into. But this weekend we saw one that didn't look too crowded and we were feeling brave so we stopped and I'm so glad we did.
I go through these stages where I'm all purge purge purge and … More
fq’s and a boy!
When Kristin at Sew Mama Sew asked me to do a fat quarter pack for them I was so so excited. I’ve realized that this just might be my favorite thing to do – putting together piles of fabric! Of course this is a virtual pile but it was just as fun. I so love making project piles… picking colors, matching up prints, imagining how it’ll all go together. I think I may need to revise my career goals with … More